GoBig Printing
Aug 13, 2019
[CarrotCast EP 168] From Vietnam to True Freedom w/ Khang Le of Wholesale to Millions
While being raised dirt poor (literally), his parents worked 16 hour days in the sun. He had no education until he came to America at 9...
GoBig Printing
Aug 8, 2019
My Biggest Breakthroughs In Business and Life, Revealed at Wholesaling Elite LIVE 2019
Before the success of growing Carrot, came a slew of failures and struggles. If it weren’t for making a few massive mindset shifts...
GoBig Printing
Aug 5, 2019
Why Do the Poor Stay Poor and the Rich Get Richer?
Let's make this really easy for you.... Listen here! You're going to get insights from a pro. (link: http://eprei.terrio1.libsynpro.com/...